[gdt website]

Hello. My name is Craig. This is my website.


When somebody asks me: "So what do you do?"

I shudder, shrug and launch into a 40 minute pitch.

To save you from the pitch, here's the most important things you should know about me.

  1. I’m co-owner and creative director at Genius Division.
  2. I occasionally write on Substack.
  3. I do many podcasts, but the one I’m currently recording is The Wednesday Audio. I interview people on my GET DOING THINGS podcast. I talk about design on That’s The Job.
  4. I’ve written 3 books: Press Start, Extreme Production, and The Magic Visual.
  5. The cool kids might call me a YouTuber. If the cool kids were born before 1990.
  6. I use Twitter. I refuse to call it X.



If you’d like to quickly connect, the best place is on Twitter.


If you want to work together, please feel free to shoot me an email.



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©®™ Craig Burgess

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